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Hope nobody was waiting for Dungeon Keeper 3

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OK this might be old news, but I didn't know about it until somebody forwarded it to me.

I also can't claim this information is 100% sure, but my fried assures me it is.

Anyway here is the info:


DK 3 On Hold

Bullfrog is canning Dungeon Keeper 3. The company had announced a third installment of the Dungeon Keeper series last summer, but is now killing the project in order to apply more resources to next generation console games as well as the creation of new intellectual properties. Though the project is officially only on hold, a statement on Bullfrog’s Website reports that there are no current plans to revive the franchise.


Well I was kinda looking forward to it frown



PIII 650 Coppermine, ABit BE6-II, 384MB PC100 RAM (Samsung), Matrox G400MAX, SB Live! Value, Intel 10/100 NIC, Adaptec 2940UW, IBM 7200 ATA66 22GB HD, IBM 7200 ATA66 20GB HD, Pioneer 32x/6x SCSI DVD, Yamaha 4416 SCSI CD-RW, Iomega Zip 100 SCSI Internal, Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410.

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srry to bust your bubble guys im surprised you dont know this but well um... bullfrog has been gone for a while. Infact the same company made final fantasy all of em but changed there name. So if there ever is another dungeon keeper it will be under a different name than the good old bull frog frown. (And if anybody is wonderin why final fantasy is called final fantasy its because it was gonna be their last game. You see the company was going bankrupt so they made one last game and it was successfull.) laugh :)can you tell im a big gamer smile

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man no offence but your comp sucks!! My comp is a p4 2.6 gh proccessor, 512 ddr sdram, 40 gbhd, 128 meg video card, cd-rom dvd-rom, and cd-burner, ultra high speed internet, 500 watt power supply, vcr hoocked up to it (so i can watch vcr movies on it), gamecube hooked to it (cause i dont got a tv so i use my comp)and finaly a 9 speaker set with dolby didgital sarround sound and 2 sub wooffers laughlaughlaughlaugh

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Insulting BladeRunner's machine specs from a post made 4 years ago for a computer that was high-end 4 years ago. Good job!


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