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unreal tournament

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i encountered a problem connecting to unreal tournament servers. after query the master server, nothing happens. i refresh the servers 3 times each, waiting 5 mins in between, nothing. after the query, it doesn't take long for unreal to display the servers. i have never had this problem in win2k. i had a problem similar to this with win98, but never with win2k. i am on a dsl connection, so i am completely baffled. if anyone can help plz do. thanks in advance.


syed ahmad

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Are you using a router? I would suggest power-cycling (turning it off then back on) if you are. Seems almost like a resolution failure. I know that when I have strange problems like that, I usually have to reset my router (though I am using ISDN as opposed to you xDSL).






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no, i'm not using a router. i notice that during the server query, my modem shows activity (its an extrenal Westell modem from Bell Atlantic). but right before the query is done, there is NO activity. i do feel its network related, it can't be anyting else. but regular surfing is fine, the network settings in unreal tournament seem fine and i was able to chat in unreal tournament...hope that helps...


syed ahmad

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