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Dual boot?

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Is there anyway we can get windows 98 to boot up on a NTFS file system? I heard there was some sort of patch but I'm not sure.

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Not as far as I'm aware.

There has been nothing released by Microsoft to this effect, so anything being touted around the Internet will be thrid-party.

There are a few utilities out there that enable Win98 to see and read the NTFS file format once Win98 is running, but I don't know of anything that would actually enable Win98 to install onto or boot from an NTFS partition.



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I dont think there is a way to BOOT from an NTFS partition, but there is a 3rd party driver that will allow you to READ-ONLY from an NTFS partition. The READ-ONLY version is freeware, but there is a version that you can purchase that will allow read AND write.. Check it out at WWW.SYSINTERNALS.COM..



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It don't matter if I use Fat32 temporarly I only need a dual boot because Gravis don't think they need to make working drivers for windows 2000 they released some but it blue screens everytime I play. They released a driver in april and then one in may but they both stink they haven't released anything since. So dual boot will have to be a work around untill I can get some USB ports which would require a new main board or gravis decides to release some drivers that actually work. Everything else runs great in windows 2000 though.

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I have a suggestion - you could make a partition on the C drive that is very small, say 20 megs, use that as your boot partition, and make it either Fat16 or Fat32.. Then , next 2 partitions make you Win9x and Win2k partitions. During the install process, just change the default location for Windows to go into. I use this configuration on my system , and it works very well.. Also, if you ever have to reload one of the operating systems from scratch, just reformat the partition that it is on - just leave that C drive alone!


And, of course, if you have room left on the hard drive, make a small partition at the end of your drive to use as an archive, and leave that one Fat16 or 32. I use TweakUI on both my OSs to direct all my favorites there, I install my ICQ to a folder on that drive as well - that way, if I ever have to lose my OS, I dont lose all my other stuff. Oh yeah, and I dump anything there I might not want to download again, such as drivers, hard to find software/tools, and I put Partition Magic for DOS there in the event that things really go wrong, so I just boot off a Win98 boot floppy, go to my archive drive, and make any partition changes that way - no OS required.


Hope this helps!



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I realized the game is pretty easily playable with the keyboard so I didn't make any changes. I would rather use the controller and I'm alot better with it but it's easy enough without. Hopefully Gravis will pull their heads out of their asses and make some drivers that actually work with windows 2000 soon. Pfff Ya right.

Thanks anyway everybody for the input.

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you can't run win9X on a NTFS. the best thing to use both OSes is to fdisk ur whole hardrive to fat32 THEN u can't dual boot, try installing win2k first then after install win98

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The proper installation order, assuming you want a dual-boot machine, is Win98 FIRST, then a full install of Win2K, each in its own partition. Win2K will give you a multi-boot loader at startup, with the option of choosing which OS to load. (Yes, I know, some folks have gotten away with installing both OS's in the same partition, but why risk it?)


Personally, I view Partition Magic as a utility-of-last-resort. I've seen it do wonderful things, and I've also seen it totally corrupt a data partition. Aside from the time involved, nothing beats a clean install and data restoration from a known good backup source, IMHO. smile



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