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Tritton PC 150 HDA Gaming Headset with 5.1 3D Sound reviewed in Metku.net

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We just finished our latest review. This time we took a closer look at

the Tritton PC 150 HDA Gaming Headset with 5.1 3D Sound.


From the article:


"This time we will take a closer look at a gaming headset from Tritton - an American

manufacturer established in 2000. The new model they sent us for a review is PC 510 HDA,

and it's a gaming headset of the 5.1-variety. Now lets see how it compares to the audio

gear we've reviewed earlier."


Article link:




http://metku.net/reviews/tritton-pc-150-hda/index.jpg (150x100)

http://metku.net/reviews/tritton-pc-150-hda/small.jpg (300x200)


Site link: http://metku.net/


It would be great if you could post news about this. Thanks.



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