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GP3 + MS FF Wheel

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Has anyone tried to configure GP3 with the MS FF Wheel? The problem is, that GP3 can´t configure a z-axis, which is (or seems) the standard for the brakes in W2K gamecontroller setup. Has anybody a workaround for that?

This problem occurs in other driving sims, too, like e.g. DRIVER.

THX for any hint!

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Hi, I don't have the MS FF wheel, just the none FF one, it works fine with GP3, brakes, throttle everything including left foot braking. Use the standard settings, no schemes, note that on the CD there is a control set for the sidewinder precision steering wheel.


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Thx for the hint, cuke,

but NO GO yet!

The controller setup (standard/profile) of GP3 only configures one vert./horiz axis per joystick. In my case: If it comes to the calibration point, I have to turn the wheel left/right, that´s no problem. But when it comes to acceleration/braking (push joystick forward then backward) only the gas pedal is functioning. So accel. and braking is on the right pedal. I tried to configure the brake pedal as joystick B vert., but NO GO either!

Has anybody got that MS FF WHEEL working with GP3?

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Did I already mention, that I try to run GP3 with the MS FF Wheel on W2K?

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Hey cuke,

I am getting closer to the solution:

What gamecontroller software are you using with your MS Wheel on W2K?

Could it be you are using Version4.0 instead of 3.02?

I can´t install V3.02 on my W2K, but perhaps it is possible to install V4.0 of the Sidewinder gamecontroller software? I read some messages that V4.0 lets you configure your MS (FF) Wheel in a way, that it can be run in GP3. Next question would be: Is there any update available, or is it only bundled with new MS Sidewinder hardware?

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Hi, yes the 4.0 version is the only one that'll work with the wheel in w2k, sorry don't know if you can get an upgrade for your software.


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This is a known problem with the MS FF wheel in W2K.


The brake pedal is reversed. The only work around I have found is to map a key to be your brake, but that takes the fun out of it.


My MS FF Wheel is the gameport version and is hooked into my SB Live.

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Well that kinda answers all the questions then, gotta be usb, my non FF wheel cost me only £36.00 and works better than your £100 ones in GP3, lol.


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Originally the MS FF Wheel used a gameport connection. This version used version 3 of the Sidewinder software. Microsoft later released a USB version, as they have with all their other game controllers/peripherals. These newer USB versions of the game controls use version 4.0 of the sidewinder software, which unfortunatly does not work with the older gameport versions. I only found out about this, after downloading the SW40 software from somewhere. And to make matters worse, I've only had my my FF Wheel for 4 months frown



Matt Beale



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I got a Sidewinder Freestyle 3D and it came with a Gameport->USB converter.


I don't know where to buy these converters (should be no prob.) or if it'll work with the wheel, but it might work.....


Just a thought.



// Toby

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It seems, after reading some online discussions and some games magazines, that the driving wheel problem is wide spread. Even on Win 98 those "two-axis-only" problems are reported. Let´s hope MPS/Hasbro are already working on a patch! I only remember GP2, which never needed a patch!


I tried this USB-connector tip. W2K actually finds automatically an USB connection, but fails when looking for the appropiate driver. Perhaps the V4.0 MS controller software could help there, but I actually doubt it.

I think, there must be a registry-edit solution, which just combines y&z-axis. (Nothing else does the Version4.0, doesn´t it?).

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As I said b4, mine works perfectly with the 4.0 software. So where is the problem?


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I sold my (gameport version) MS FF Wheel, and bought the USB version, which runs superb on W2K. I tried to run the gameport wheel with a MS USB-converter and Version 4.0 of the game controller software.

NO WAY, doesn´t work!

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So lets get this straight, who has got the USB version of the wheel to work with gp3 under w2k?... i cant..

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Hasbro will soon release a patch, which should solve all wheel problems. Hopefully it will work under Win2k as well.

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