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Anyone know if Baldurs Gate 2 will run in Windows 2000?

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Anyone know if Baldurs Gate will run in Windows 2000? I know its not out yet, so if anyone out their beta tested it please let me know.


Thanks falcon26

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Yep, I guarantee that it will work in Windows 2000. Baldur's Gate I does. Baldur's Gate II is based on the same engine with a few graphics tweaks.

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Yep no problems at all. I can run it at 1024x768x32 all setting to high. I did the full 2GB install.

-W2k SP1 and all the compatibility updates and criticial updates installed.

-Det 6.27 drivers

-SB Live with the latest W2K drivers

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Yep, just got my copy yesterday, and it works great! Anyone, who enjoyed baldur's gate 1, I seriously recommend this game!

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Pleased your all enjoying BG2.

I've still got about a month to wait until the DVD version hits the shelves, but I guess that give me time to finish Planescape Torment, do some major pedestrial splattering in Carmageddon TDR2000 and pretend I'm Senna in GP3 smile

Grrr, DVD better hit shelves in one month or I'll just be forced to buy that CD version frown



PIII 700E, Intel D815EEA, 512MB PC100 RAM (Hyundai), Matrox G400MAX, SB Live! Value, Intel 10/100 NIC, Adaptec 2940UW, IBM 7200 ATA100 30GB HD, IBM 7200 ATA66 20GB HD, Pioneer 32x/6x SCSI DVD, Yamaha 4416 SCSI CD-RW, Iomega Zip 100 SCSI Internal, Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410.

Windows 2000 Only

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Are the current owneers of BG2 bringing in characters from the original BG or starting out a new?

I have some great characters from the original BG, but I have no intention of importing them, I want to play BG2 from rock bottom.

What about you owners?



PIII 700E, Intel D815EEA, 512MB PC100 RAM (Hyundai), Matrox G400MAX, SB Live! Value, Intel 10/100 NIC, Adaptec 2940UW, IBM 7200 ATA100 30GB HD, IBM 7200 ATA66 20GB HD, Pioneer 32x/6x SCSI DVD, Yamaha 4416 SCSI CD-RW, Iomega Zip 100 SCSI Internal, Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410.

Windows 2000 Only

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I am playing with an imported character. Only the main character though.... you can't import characters like Imoen and Jahera. Really though, if you like your character from before, why not just use it?

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Oh, it's just I want to start this game with all level 1 characters.

I find half the fun is getting Ep for them and watching them go up in levels.

I don't really want to start with a level 7 character.

I know that the game is supposed to be harder when you have higher level characters, I just fancy seeing things from level 1 upwards.

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you're out of luck then..... new characters start at 89,000 experience. Trust me though, you wouldn't make it very far if you were able to start at level 1. The idea is that you start from level 1 in bg1, then continue leveling them in bg2....

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Oh well, guess I'll have to import then.

Don't want a level 7 character I haven't started from the ground up and I must admit that cool 'Orange Glowing flame sword' from BG1 (which my main character has) is pretty damn cool.

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Yea, well there are some of us that didnt play BG1. Yes, I do own it, but due to a really bad crash that corrupted my save game, I never finished it. God damn did that piss me off. Later, when the patch came out, I patched it, and tried it over. Crashed again and deleted my save. Luckily I was only a few hours in the second time around.


Im intersted in playing BG2 tho.. Im not sure if I should get it. And what is the point of getting the DVD version? Cant you do aa full installation that wont require to swap?



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Points of DVD version:


1. Convinces companies that there is a demand for DVD games.

2. Requires only 1 DVD.

3. It would be cool if you could play the game off the DVD but I highly doubt they did that. They could though....but they didn't.

4. Lots of more cool stuff.



#1 is the primary reason why I am waiting. I'm tired of sticking in multiple CD's like I did in the ol' floppy days. Pain in the a**!

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dosreak : i usually make a full install and then get a nocd patch from somewhere like game(s?)copyworld.com ..no need for that cd swithcing which im also really tired of..

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With the DVD version, with any kind of luck I will be able to do a minimum installation and then run the whole thing without the need to swap CD's.

OK, so the CD version will probably allow a full install, but I'm just thinking of HD space.

Yes I have plenty, but why waste more than you have to?

The DVD version is going to be no more expensive and it's only a month away.

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Running it off DVD will be much slower than a HD, regardless of how fast your CD-ROM drive is. In order to get fast speed, it has to spin up (which takes time).. and if you have a 40x CD-ROM, and you multiply it by 150, thats 6mb a second. Where decent 5400rpm drives should get at least 10+mb sec, most computers will get up in the 20's. Anyway, its just a suggestion. Look at diablo 2. Its so much faster to copy the music file over, so your cd-rom isnt spinning the entire time.


just trying to help.


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I agree.... the in-game tips even recommend a full install, saying that loading times will be "much faster". My recommendation: if you have the space, do the full install. No cd-swapping, faster load times, what could be better?

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DVD speed is not the same as CD speed. DVD speeds are mucho faster. Also games don't use the HD that much....


It could be done and easily. Just look at consoles as an example. DVD's are faaasssssstttt (not as fast as HD that's for sure but still plenty fast for Baldur's Gate).

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size: 2.27 GB (2,438,987,924 bytes)

size on disk: 2.28 GB (2,448,687,104 bytes)


Not too bad, and I have a 27 gb hard drive, so hey.....


now back to the game..... laugh

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Oh I have plenty of HD space.

I could quite happily install 2GB of a game without any worries, but why bother.

The DVD version will run plenty fast enough, BG1 on DVD did.

Plus I've got all these other games to get out of the way first, so waiting a month will do me good smile

Plus, once you guys have all finished it, I'll still be playing.



PIII 700E, Intel D815EEA, 512MB PC100 RAM (Hyundai), Matrox G400MAX, SB Live! Value, Intel 10/100 NIC, Adaptec 2940UW, IBM 7200 ATA100 30GB HD, IBM 7200 ATA66 20GB HD, Pioneer 32x/6x SCSI DVD, Yamaha 4416 SCSI CD-RW, Iomega Zip 100 SCSI Internal, Iiyama Vision Master Pro 410.

Windows 2000 Only

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