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Final Fantasy 7 + Windows 2000 = black screen

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I read the compatibility notes, and installed the ACT, but it didn't help. When I run the game, I get a black screen, which then changes to a slightly less black screen, and that's it.


Any ideas?



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Do you have all the game software patches applied? I think this is especially true if you are using a video card with an nVidia chipset. Below is the 'readme' from the RivaTNT patch.


Final Fantasy v. 1.01 Readme


This patch is intended to fix the problem users have had with the Riva 128, Riva 128 ZX, and Riva TNT video cards. This patch also enables the "ESC" key in the name menus that laptop users have not been able to leave because they have no numeric keypad.


Note: There will still be some graphics corruption when the player casts the spells Odin Steel Bladed Sword and Escape. Riva and Square are continuing to look at ways to correct this.


URGENT NOTE: If you have already installed the Cyrix patch for Final Fantasy 7, DO NOT APPLY THIS PATCH. Your game will not function if you do. If you already applied this patch then you need to uninstall and reinstall the game. Then reapply the Cyrix patch.




By default this patch will extract to the Desktop. You need to copy both FF7Config.exe and Final Fantasy 7.exe to the directory on the hard drive that the game is installed to. (Usually c:\program files\square soft\final fantasy.


Before you run the game you need to run the Final Fantasy 7 Configuration and select the Graphics configuration tab. Set the Display to Primary Display, check the Riva box that is below the Resolution area of the dialogue box and then set Render to 3D hardware.


If you have problem with the patch or the game after installing the patch please send e-mail to techsupp@eidos.com with the subject of RIVA PATCH PROBLEMS. You can also call our Technical Support in the U.S. at 415-547-1244. Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. pacific time Monday through Friday.



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Yes, I do have the patch installed. If I don't, the 3D setup doesn't pass.


Anyway, I get this problem trying to run in either software or 3D mode.

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i never could get FF7 to run stable under 2k. part of the reason i dual booted. that and my many emulators which use dos. and my gamepads only have 9x drivers. stupid gravis.

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