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Problems w/ Madden 2001

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I bought Madden 2001, installed it, fired it up, watched the intro video, then BOOM! noticed that text in all of the menus are garbled out. Anything that contains text, is blocked out in hyroglyphics. (Works fine in Win9x and it gets even worse when I try to run it Non-Accelerated.)


Here is my setup now.


* Athlon 700 on a FIC SD11

* 256MB

* V5 5500 AGP

* SB Live

* Win2k Pro w/ Service Pack 1, DX8, and the latest DX8 drivers from 3DFX. (I was having the same problem before those updates)


So far, I have tried turning off Anti-Aliasing and played with the LOD options, but have had no luck. I use Win2K for reasons other than gaming, so going back to Win9x is not an option.


Any ideas???



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Have you updated the game? I think on first install, it didn't work under win2k, but the update fixed it.

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Yeah, that was the first thing I did after I saw the problem. It does work fine under 9x, so that rules out hardware. I was just curious if anyone has had a similair problem, and if so, how they fixed it.

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