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Pauses in games?

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Recently, I have notcied some games (Baldurs gate 2, flight sim 2000) pausing during the game for about 5-10 seconds. Someone told me this is becasue of WIN2k and Ram.

I have 256 meg ram...any ideas why this is,or how to fix it?





[Here is my system]

Intel Celeron 566 @ 901

Abit BE6 Rv1

3d Prophet 2 Mx (6.34 drivers)

Soundblaster Live! Value w/ cambridge 4 point speakers

Pioneer 6x dvd / 12 x cdrom SCSI Drive

3com 905b-cmb network card

Panasonic 4x scsi burner

IBM Deskstar 13.5g 7200rpm DMA/66

Western Digital 14g 5400rpm DMA/66

256m PC-100 CS2 ram






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Do those need the CD to play? I had this problem with DiabloII. It was because my CD-Rom woudl spin down, and the copmputer would freeze until it could spin back up and be checked.



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Are you using EAX with a soundblaster live? The current driver sets have made every game I've tried stop for a few seconds periodically during gameplay when EAX is enabled. It's REALLY annoying, I know, but the only workaround I know of is to turn off EAX. Maybe someday creative will release working win2k drivers.....

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