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New Installation - games wont run

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Hi there,


i finished all upgrade activities and now i am going to fix all problems in win2k. I got my little quake2 to work and some others. But the problem seams to be that i cant run Direct3D games. when i run them It says that the program causes a fault and its creating the log file (doesnt help much) and then he shuts it down.


The contestens (programms) are AOE II, GTA2 and Jedi Knight.


I am new with Win2k, meaning i didnt tried the 'normal' fix activities for win2k.


So what u done to get those sniffy games to work?



Thanks in advice



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Well, it sounds to me, like not all the drivers are installed corerctly. What is your video card? If it is one of the cards supported directly out of the box by Win2K (i.e. the drivers from the Win2K CD) then Direct 3D should work straught away (it is just open Gl that wouldn't work without proper drivers.)


I have GTA2 on my system and it works fine. In fact it is damned fast. I am not so sure about the other two games, as I don't have them, but really I would check that all proper drivers are installed for evevything you need to run the game properly.


I would also recommend getting direct X 8, as it has all new cool features like that Game Voice thing.


Other than that you should try to uninstall, reboot, and then re-install that games, and then run the configuration programs that come with them to run with your system. Try a safe mode, like 640x480 at 16-bit colour, to see if it runs.


Other than that I don't Know.



Bob The Builder



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OK here is all what i have done yet.


I installed Win2000 on my athlon 700 Tb with an asus a7v bord. 512MB + TNT card. so the tnt card produces frezze action and i replaced it with an Creativ Blaster Geforce2MX. After i have the problem with low performance (1800p in 3DMark) problem i installed the Blaster driver and then the riva detonators. ITs now damn fast. OpenGL works fine and Direct3D also i think (Demos provided with the card work well).


But that damn thing is that he tells me when i wanna start those two programms (aoeII and gta2) that he says there is an fault etc. The OpenGL fault is gone and sandra can now check my opengl settings.


Another thing that is strange is that he says that a tnt card is antalising my fonts. strange isnt it? i will going to fix that!


but i dont think that its the antialised font stuff...


So any help would be aprisicated.


Bye bye



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hmm install sp1 and the application fixes update

i dont think jedi knight is supported out of the box

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