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Fallout vs. W2K

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Well, 6 months ago I bought W2K and everything was fine until I tried to install Fallout 1 yesterday. It refused to work and even the methods shown on NT Compatible did not help me at all (-> copy all data to HD and install it "manually") frown ... is there anyone who solved this problem? I use W2K, DirectX8 and the SP-1 is installed as well ... wink

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Since you haven't said WHAT problem you're having, I'll tell you what works for me.... just run _setup.exe off the cd to install. If it doesn't detect enough drive space, then use the 2GB fix in apcompat.exe on the _setup.exe


If you've already done that, then please be more specific as to what problem you're having....

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Thanks for your reply. You're right ;), I should've been more specific. I tried apcompat.exe before and it didn't work. I always get the message that my Windows version is not supported by Fallout. Well, I'm from Germany so I use the German version of the game, but I also have the German W2K, so this should not be the problem. I also tried to copy the game files manually to my HD (using the description in the Compatibility/Games section of NT Compatible) and Fallout started. Unfortunatly it crashed after a few seconds, so I don't have any further idea ... frown


[ January 02, 2001: Message edited by: Operator ]

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there are two setup files on the cd: setup.exe and _setup.exe. setup.exe is the one that checks the os version for compatibility, so don't run it. _setup.exe is the one that does the actual installation, so you should run that directly.


of course, this is on the US version, but I imagine it's the same or similar on the German version....

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Try this from the games compat list on this here site. Good Luck.


For the instructions below, I will assume that you have created a folder called FALLOUT on your C: drive and that the drive the Fallout CD is in is your D: drive. Insert your actual drive letters where appropriate.

1. Copy d:\program\win\falloutw.___ to c:\fallout\falloutw.exe.


2. Create a text file in c:\fallout called fallout.cfg and add the following line to it: [system]


3. You now have 4 options corresponding to the 4 install sizes:


3a. Do not copy anything else. This is the same as the smallest install, but is also the slowest way to play the game. If you do this, make sure you follow the steps in 3b, 3c & 3d below for editing the config file.


3b. Copy d:\master.dat to c:\fallout\master.dat. This file is 318 MB. If you do _not_ do this step, add the following on the next line in c:\fallout\fallout.cfg: master_dat=d:\master.dat


3c. Copy d:\critter.dat to c:\fallout\critter.dat. This file is 150 MB. If you do _not_ do this step, add the following on the next line in c:\fallout\fallout.cfg: critter_dat=d:\critter.dat


3d. Copy the entire d:\data folder to c:\fallout\data. This is 73 MB. If you do _not_ do this step, add the following two lines to c:\fallout\fallout.cfg: [sound] music_path2=d:\data\sound\music


4. Add the following line to your [system] block: free_space=0


5. Make sure you close and save your changes to the c:\fallout\fallout.cfg file. For example, if you chose to not copy any of the data files over, you should have a fallout.cfg file that looks like this: [system] master_dat=d:\master.dat critter_dat=d:\critter.dat free_space=0 [sound] music_path2=d:\data\sound\music That should be it! Just run c:\fallout\falloutw.exe to play the game

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Ive installed it just like Spaceman said. I think I got the information from the actual fallout website. Once you get it installed, I didnt have any problems playing it at all. Good luck

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Originally posted by Spaceman:
Try this from the games compat list on this here site. Good Luck.


Thanks for the replies ... wink

I tried this already ... yesterday. Fallout started, but it crashed after the loading screen was dsiplayed.

On the German CD there is no _setup.exe. I only got setup.exe and setupd.exe. Both have OS check. frown ;(

[ January 02, 2001: Message edited by: Operator ]

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