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Blood 2 in Windows 2000

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Bit of a crap game but still : Need to get it working, and i'm having less luck then a blindfolded pool player. It wont install straight off the CD, and it wont install using the APCompat util, as it says something about being not Win32s compatible. Anyone know how to get this game working at all ? Would be appreciated, cheers





Kryten of Moo.


If it doesn't Moo, It just won't do.

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I have heard this one does work, not well but it will work if you kick it enough. I will try to find out exactly how. In the mean time it is best to go for the easy things in case you have not done them. Make sure you have Blood II patched up to version 2.10 which you can find at http://www.the-chosen.com/patch/



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