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iXBT Labs Review: Intel Core i7-3930K, Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition Processors for LGA 2011

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iXBT Labs Review: Intel Core i7-3930K, Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition

Processors for LGA 2011



"LGA 2011 combines the advantages of LGA 1155 (new architecture, unlocked

multiplier at less than $1000) and LGA 1366 (up to six cores, bus

overclocking, a lot of PCIe lanes). On the whole, the new platform is a

success. If you're willing to buy a processor for the price of an entire PC,

that is. But we still like this kind of evolution very much."


Article: http://ixbtlabs.com/articles3/cpu/intel-ci7-39x0-lga2011-p1.html


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Best regards,

Artem Pavlenko,

iXBTlabs.com / iXBT.com



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