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Raidmax Seiran Mid-Tower Computer Case @ Benchmark Reviews

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TITLE: Raidmax Seiran Mid-Tower Computer Case ( -at -) Benchmark Reviews


DESCRIPTION: In October, I wrote a review of the Raidmax Blade mid tower ultra budget case. Although it was a functional case and quite inexpensive,

there were things left to desire, which is just the nature of ultra budget cases. Today at Benchmark Reviews, we have another offering in the Raidmax

mid tower line-up, the Seiran. The Seiran is Raidmax's newest mid tower entry, and pricewise, clearly not a budget case. I'm interested in seeing what

Raidmax's higher end mid tower case has to offer that budget mid tower's don't, and how it stacks up against other mid towers in its price range. So

with that short intro, let's get started!


ARTICLE URL: http://benchmarkreviews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=768&Itemid=61



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