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Tips When Calling Game Tech Support

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OCModShop has a new article on what not to do when calling for video

game tech support..


Title: Tips When Calling Video Game Tech Support ( -at -) OCModShop


Link: http://www.ocmodshop.com/tips-when-calling-game-phone-support/







As a representative of one of the largest video game makers in the

world, I am on the telephone with the good people of the United States

to help them get their problems resolved. I would like to say that

most of the time these calls are clear and straightforward, but sadly

they are not. We have all the tools to help you, but I have found that

it is usually the consumer that ends up making things difficult.


This article is intended to help you poor souls who need support with

their game console. If you follow these rules, then everything will be

fine, and if you don’t then things will probably be difficult for



A news post on your site would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,


Alan McCloskey







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