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EA Game Problems? Post Here!!

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I know Im not the only one judging by all the different threads in this forum who have had big time problems getting certain games by EA working on Windows 2000. I decided to start this thread for everyone so we can have all our EA game related problems posted in one nice easy to find location so everyone doesnt have to go digging through all the threads to find them smile


Personally, I cant get Superbike 2001 and NBA Live 2001 working for the life of me. Tried the ACT and all kinds of compatibility modes and cant them working for the life of me, hopefully one day soon there will be solutions to this and other EA game problems frown

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EA have said on many occasions that they will NOT support Windows 2000 as a valid gaming platform.

They don't go out of their way to make sure the game wont run, but where as 99% of game houses spend a little time making sure it will at least run and then saying they wont actually support a Win2k installation.

As far as I can see an EA game doesn't ever see Windows 2000 until a user tries it.

Quite how EA will cope once WinXP is released is a little beyond me.

Thankfully EB offer a 30 day no question asked money back thing, if I buy EA and it doesn't run I simply take the game back for a full refund - EA will have to learn the hard way.

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Ok i own two EA games called nascar revolution and sims theme park and i cant get them to work on my win2k either. Also tried everything. I do have a voodoo 3 2000 video card but i dont think that has anything to do with it because i got the latest drivers and everything. But i know that 3dfx got brought out by Nvidia so i dont think no more new drivers will be out frown

but i am getting a new video card anyway because this one is too old i think.

i think i will get a nvidia video card because they seem to have the best video cards for win2k and for gaming under it so far. BTW does Direct X 8.0a got to do with anything with EA games ? i dont think


One day i hope we figure out how to run most of these EA games because sometimes you really want to play it but you cant inless you dual boot frown

but hey i even dual booted onto win98SE and still could get my nascar revolution to work so thats pretty sad inless its my video card drivers.



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well dont need to say more same here


but ive read that if u install the Apcompat.exe on the win2k cd u can fool apps in thinking its win 98 ??


as up until today i was looking forward to win xp so i could play superbike on a system that wasnt duel and get rid of win98

so i guess ill not be buying the latest superbike when it comes out dont think ill rush for win xp either

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Read the topic "Whistler Application Compatibility..."


I have posted my results. All games run fine.



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miku i tired my nascar revolution and sim theme park game on that and it still didnt work.

i tried everything and nothing worked frown

Dont know what else to do.


I am on a voodoo 3 2000 pci video card btw and have the latest drivers for it and Direct X 8.0.



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