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David vs Goliath: Can AMD Stand and Fight? @ Hi Tech Legion

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Hello Everyone,

HiTech Legion has released a new article. Hopefully your readers will

find it interesting.


/*Review: */David vs Goliath : Can AMD Stand and Fight?


( -at -) Hi Tech Legion


/*Snippet: *"Desktop computing is beginning to see its territories being

conquered piece by piece. Over the last few years a new realm has risen

from the sand and it is called mobile computing. At first this realm

struggled due to the lack of acceptance, which was mainly based on the

price paid to acquire such technology. Over the last two years we have

seen these mobile realms gain acceptance due to the fact that many of

the well-established desktop realms are moving forward to conquer new

lands. The desktop realms that have made the move are beginning to see

rewards while those who have not are beginning to suffer as their land

becomes devoured.//"/


/*Article Url:*/



/*Image Url: */http://www.hitechlegion.com/images/stories/amddvged/1.jpg


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