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Third Debian Edu Squeeze based Beta Release, 6.0.4 edu beta3

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We are happy to announce "Debian Edu Squeeze 6.0.4 beta3"!


Debian Edu aka Skolelinux is a Linux distribution based on Debian

providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely configured

school network. It contains setup for a school server, PXE booting for

diskless machines, setup for installing stationary workstations and

setup for workstations that can be taken away from the school network.


Those who already tested beta2 will need to install their machines

again to get all the fixes and improvement now provided with beta3.


Complete download and installation instructions are available at



Read the "Getting Started" chapter of the manual to learn how to login

for the first time.



Please file bugs on any issues you find, and (probably somewhat

additionally) also mention those bugs and issues on our status page at



Testing and giving feedback to debian-edu ( -at -) lists.debian.org or

#debian-edu on irc.debian.org is a very good way to start

contributing! Act now :-D


If you can do more, give the manual linked to above some love. It

needs it.


Changes compared to beta2 version


* The default gateway is now, not

* A tool subnet-change is provided to change the default backbone

network after installation.

* The dynamic DHCP range was extended on the backbone network to

around 4k IP address, and around 200 IP addresses for the thin

client network.

* Enable automatic extending of full file systems on the Main Server

by default. This can be disabled in LDAP.

* Add code to re-enable stopped CUPS queues every hour on the Main

Server, and flush all CUPS queues every night. Both can be

disabled in LDAP.

* Add new script pxe-addfirmware to insert hardware firmware in PXE

images to support more hardware models.

* Provide script sitesummary2ldapdhcp to update or populate GOsa

with system objects using information gathered by sitesummary, to

make it easier to add new computers to the network.

* Now we disable (at least some of the) non-working features in GOsa

to avoid confusing system administrators.

* Drop the 'localadmin' user, and ask during installation of the

Main-Server for user name and password for the first user (the

admin user). This user is set up as GOsa administrator, and the

'super-admin' user is no longer created, either. Also the Debian

Edu menu reordering is enabled for this initial user.

* Provide network blocking / exam mode by default, controlled by

LDAP. This block selected hosts from accessing the Internet. In

addition to network blocking, changes to the Squid proxy

configuration is needed for this to be useful.

* Now we provide a KDE menu entry for changing the password in GOsa.

* Changing passwords using PAM is now working (by having implemented

a workaround for bug #656309 in libpam-krb5). This will only

update the Kerberos password, and not the Samba and GOsa(LDAP)


* Make sure to report an error and abort the installation when

trying to use the netinst images without a working Internet

connection, instead of silently installing a broken system.

* Change partitioning for Standalone installs, to have separate

/home/ and no /usr.

* Give first user on Standalone installs sudo access.

* Updated documentation and translations

+ including images, as BTS 656846 has been fixed.


The following features are not working as they should


* The RDP server set up on thin-client-servers gives distorted KDE

desktop at least when logging in using rdesktop (#608195). This is

a bug in the VNC server.

* GOsa does not clean up properly when removing a system

(server/net-device) from LDAP (#650258). A patch for Debian

squeeze has been sent to the Debian release team.

* GOsa proposes non-functional user names for people with non-ASCII

characters in their names (#657086). This issue only occurs in

gosa-2.6.11 (squeeze) and a patch for Debian squeeze has been sent

to the Debian release team.


To download this multiarch netinstall CD release you can use


* ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-CD.iso

* http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-CD.iso

* rsync -avzP ftp.skolelinux.org::skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-CD.iso


To download this multiarch DVD release you can use


* ftp://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-DVD.iso

* http://ftp.skolelinux.org/skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-DVD.iso

* rsync -avzP ftp.skolelinux.org::skolelinux-cd/squeeze-beta/debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-DVD.iso


There is no source DVD available yet. It will be prepared when we get closer to

the final release.


You can also download using one of the Skolelinux mirrors.


* ftp://ftp.halifax.rwth-aachen.de/skolelinux/skolelinux-cd/

* http://mirror.isoc.org.il/pub/skolelinux/


The MD5SUM of these images are:


* 72653a2083980d72ede0d26bd270c3fa debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-CD.iso

* c3873795fefc96aa74117a0f037c7dc4 debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-DVD.iso


The SHA1SUM of these images are:


* 9b65453af7c9848296e868d56a1b9e72fc1648de debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-CD.iso

* e3688ac58a1e3c1ce5b209914d46e958273c38f1 debian-edu-6.0.4+edub3-DVD.iso


These sums are also available GPG signed at



How to report bugs: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/ReportBugs

- --

Happy hacking

Petter Reinholdtsen


Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)









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