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Icq99b stoped working on Win2000 RC2

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Ok. It was working fine before i installed the icqgroup for networks. So now.. it wont detect or launch the icq for internet.


I had try uninstalling and removing all the entries in the registry to do a clean install of the icq99b for internet, no GO there.


What could posibly going wrong here? im using both icq because is a network and it also has a T1 so they need both icq.. one for the intranet and the other one for the internet.


I cant figure this out.. i think is something about the icqgroup for networks, but i uninstalled it.. and remove all the entries on the registry.. and stuff.. did the same with the icq99b for the internet..it wont run.. the installation runs fine... but it doesnt work.


So any suggestions will be very helpfull.



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When you said cleaning out the registry, did you go to where you found the mirabilis sub-folder or did you search for icq related things? A lot of programs today have tendencies to leave their information scattered around in the registry.

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Yes.. i did eliminate everything related with Mirabilis ICQ.


and still doesnt work.



no matter what i do.. it wont load icq.


the main issue here.. is that was working fine before the icq for workgroups. But on win9x pc's both work together very fine.


This is what is making me mad.. they can work together.. but in Win 2000 it seems that they have some kind of conflict.


i Did erased everything related with icq on the registry and reboot.


Install it again.. and no go.


any suggestions?

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