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Internet Connection Shareing in RC3 PRO

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I cannot get Win2k PRO To share my dialup internet connection with my lan for some reason. I tell it to share a dialup connect it makes the changes to my network connect, than on my client win98 PC i setup the NIC's TCP/IP Binding to use DHCP to obtain IP and thats all i specify the rest is defaults and i don't get any results. Am i missing something somewhere?

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go to your dialup internet connection & rigth click & go to properties to last tab will be ICS

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give it the same workgroup name.

Start with on frist Clinet PC

2nd Clinet PC number so on up the line

All PC should have

Gateway address

Preferred DNS address

& this dose help to add in your ISP DNS address to.

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I think SHS has it right except for one thing -> unless Win2K started running DNS services on its own (which MS could have added), you need to assign the DNS server information based on your ISP. For DNS primary and secondary, use the ones assigned by the ISP - and if necessary, contact the ISP for the primary DNS server address and the secondary DNS server address. Your ISP might let DNS information be DHCP transmitted but since you're running behind an internet gateway, it would be best for you to get the DNS addresses and assign them in each machines TCP/IP setup.


By the way, the setup that SHS has posted is a very generic, very efficient and very easy setup - even for those using hardware device internet connections. For example, with most router setups, you set the router to and then set all clients to use that address as their gateway to the internet. This will almost always work as long as the gateway device - MS Win2K box, router, etc. is running some sort of NAT (Network Address Translation) service.



J. Byron Todd

Computer Consultant


Todd Computer Solutions

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I really appreciate you guys time on this, and i also saw no problems in how he told me to set it up. Thats exactly how i set it up when i used linux and IP Masqurading as my gateway and it worked great. But for some reason now useing that EXACT setup when i'm on the win2k machine i can't ping (Win98PC) and on the win98PC i can't ping (Win2kBox) So if i can't even do that i am not going to worry about the DNS just yet beacuse i can't even ping an actuall address. I don't know what i'm doing wrong here.

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i just (re)set this up again today but using a cable modem and win2k rc2 so here goes:

set your nic at,sub255.255.255.0

no gateway, but add your isp's dns servers.

on your dial up connect set it to whatever you want then (you'll see why in a sec) turn on sharing, this will cause ICS to change your settings to,, then go back and change it to your real settings (that you got by running winipcfg earlier and wrote down somewhere ;-)..set ip,sub,gate and dns.(maybe need a domain suffix too depending on your isp), now go back and remove the last zero from your nic cards ip ( have to restart now too. On the second machine, change your nic config to obtain an address atuomagically and add the address as your gateway..that should be it..(after the resart)

good luck..i had to restart a few times cuz rc2 is still sorta buggy with network stuff

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I found out something. Its not shareing after all. Its the networking itself. Look i get this in my event viewer EVERY BOOT.


The DNS proxy agent was unable to bind to the IP address This error may indicate a problem with TCP/IP networking. The data is the error code.

i tryed setting it as

same error with the 2 instead

and i know nothing about DHCP

i'm now running server instead of PRO so change directions accordingly.

If it can't assign that to the nic on the win2k machine than how is it supposed to assign ones to other machines. NOW i understand the problem but do not have a solution. Help!


AHH!! I take this message back! I just discovered that if i DISABLE ICS it doesn't give me this error and it assigns just fine to the NIC but yet it still won't let go to a client win98 PC.... grrrr this is so confusing



[This message has been edited by digitizedsoul (edited 09 December 1999).]

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