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Mobile World Congress 2012 Updates

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Mobile World Congress 2012 is in full swing and if you are a fan of

phones and tablets, this is a show you can't afford to miss. Here are

some of the highlights so far!!


ASUS Unveils Infinity Tablets, Dockable Smartphone



Huawei enters the mobile SoC world with quad-core K3V2



Intel branded, Atom-powered smartphone to be sold by Orange



NVIDIA Tegra 3 To Power Quad Core HTC One Smartphone



Samsung to compete with Tegra on quad-core CPU



LG Announces 4X HD Quad Core Tegra 3 Smartphone With ICS



There should be a ton more stuff happening this week so stay tuned!! Thanks!


Ryan Shrout

PC Perspective

rshrout ( -at -) pcper.com




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