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Will LiveWare3 work on dual processors?

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My first experiences were frustrating, to say the least. The latest instructions, Liveware32, don't say that it won't work, but I really don't want to mess up a perfectly running RC2 installation just to find out it still won't install.


Has anyone gotten it to work on a dual?


ps, it works great in Win98 (dual boot), but not in Win2000 RC2.

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Sorry, should have done a search before posting. Looks like I'm in good company; nobody has gotten this setup going.

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Nope, I havn't herd any success stories yet.


I'm Seriously thinking of just buying a new Single Processor Computer so I can use my Klipsch ProMedia Speakers, its a F*n Crime not being able to use them in True Surround Sound.


Atleast im not the only one suffering..

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