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Intel Sandy Bridge-E i7-3820 CPU Review @ Madshrimps

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Hello dear reader,


***Intel Sandy Bridge-E i7-3820 CPU Review*


Who said all good things come in 3 fold ? Today we introduce Intel's

youngest offering in the SnB-e lineup. The i7-3820 is not a hexacore

like it's two bigger brothers ; the 3930K and 3960X. But a Quadcore

version for the socket 2011 platform. This allows Intel to launch it at

a far more affordable price then the two previous mentioned socket 2011

models. Thus making the i7-3820 maybe a perfect replacement CPU for the

socket 1366 Bloomfield CPU's. But the competition is fierce, not from

AMD, but within Intel's own lineup. What has this i7-3820 more to offer

then eg a similar priced 2600K SnB ? After a brief introduction about

this i7-3820 we are continuing straight to the results to spot any

noteworthy performance differences.





Thank you in advance for posting,



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