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Win2k/ software DVD / WinDVD...

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Has anyone successfully gotten software DVD playback in win2k? I tried the WinDVD proggie and that plays dvd's fine. But when I install this, then I cannot play mpegs with windows media player. I uninstall WinDVD and i can play mpegs again....


Is there any other dvd proggies that work in win2k? Or, do you have any idea why my mpeg playback is effected by WinDVD?






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Have you ever tried reassociating file types for your mpg's and avi's? Windvd worked fine for me but I'm currently using PowerDVD 2.5, works good with some decent aspi drivers(adaptec 4.6 1021).

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Works beautiful, screen captures and all. It hasn't crashed or done anything funky either.


Grabbing WinDVD2000 right now. I'm sure that will be good too

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