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Several program crashers on RC3 - why?

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After installing RC3 als Clean Install I got the following program crashes:


- The application, hh.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 12/19/1999 @ 13:57:44.271 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 75AF2128 (<nosymbols> )


- The application, iexplore.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 12/19/1999 @ 13:44:45.541 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 75B45A01 (<nosymbols> )


In addition the event viewer showed the following errors:


- WMI ADAP failed to connect to namespace \\.\root\cimv2\MS_407 with the following error: 0x8004100e


- Unable to read IO control information from NBT device.


Any ideas to solve these problems.


I am running WIN98SE/WIN2K as multiboot configuration whereas WIN98SE is located on c:\ and WIN2K on d:\. In WIN98SE I did not experienced any of these problems.


Please help.



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Seems like you installed a program that doesn't agree with Win2K. I advise you to uninstall any program prior to this problem and see if it goes away. If it does, investigate and report this problem to the third party company for future patches and or releases. For iexplorer crashing, did you install a 3rd party plugin for IE? Btw, what's hh.exe ??


Originally posted by wilhelm on 12-19-1999 03:35 PM



After installing RC3 als Clean Install I got the following program crashes:


- The application, hh.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 12/19/1999 @ 13:57:44.271 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 75AF2128 (<nosymbols> )


- The application, iexplore.exe, generated an application error The error occurred on 12/19/1999 @ 13:44:45.541 The exception generated was c0000005 at address 75B45A01 (<nosymbols> )


In addition the event viewer showed the following errors:


- WMI ADAP failed to connect to namespace \.\root\cimv2\MS_407 with the following error: 0x8004100e


- Unable to read IO control information from NBT device.


Any ideas to solve these problems.


I am running WIN98SE/WIN2K as multiboot configuration whereas WIN98SE is located on c:\ and WIN2K on d:\. In WIN98SE I did not experienced any of these problems.


Please help.



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No, I just installed the plain OS and after configuration of the ISDN adapter and the DUN the IE crashes. Perhaps the OS does not like my overclocking (cel300A@464). Thanks for your reply.



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