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Corsair Force Series GT 180GB SSD Review @ circuitREMIX

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Corsair Force Series GT 180GB Solid State Drive Review ( -at -) circuitREMIX



In continuing our series of SSD reviews, we're looking at a drive from

Corsair, the 180GB Force Series GT. As our last reviews were of drives

in the 240-256GB range, we asked Corsair for some of their drives in

the same range. But alas, their marketing team didn't have any in

stock, but they did have a 180GB drive available for us to test.

Knowing that performance of 120GB SSDs generally fall behind that of

their 240GB brethren due to NAND configuration, I was skeptical towards

the level of performance that this 180GB drive could push out. But as

this drive was from Corsair's fastest line of SSDs, Force GT, I decided

to give it a chance ...and I ended up being surprised.






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