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Burning in Win2k with CDRWIN 3.8 = Advice needed!

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I seem to have a problem burning. I have build 2195 of OEM Windows 2000 Professional

running on a Celeron 400Mhz o/c'ed to 500Mhz. I own a HP Cd-Writer Plus 8200 Series and a Memorex CD-ROM drive (which I don't use). I have installed Easy CD Creator 4.0 (which installed the Adaptec ASPI Layer at that time). I then went to Adaptec's website and downloaded the latest ASPI layer. When I do an ASPI check, I read as having ASPI 4.60 released on 9/10/99. The message at the bottom of ASPI Check says "ASPI is properly installed and is fully operational. A total of 2 host adapters have been detected."


I then installed CDRWIN 3.8a on my system and set it up to use the Adaptec ASPI Layers. I have always used CDRWIN in the past and have never had a problem and it is my preferred choice when it comes to burning.


I placed a disc (that I know is good and has been successfully copied before) in the burner, I, as always, record an image to disc and then burn it on the next pass. At this point everything seems to be working properly. When I put in a blank disc and say OK to start burning, I do notice that it takes an unusual amount of time to get off of 0% completed, but once it does get to 1% it starts burning at the normal 4x rate.


The disc burns all the way through, it writes the leadout track, and ejects the disc stating that "The Operation Has Completed Successfully".


All is well. But, when I go to put it in either my burner or reader (after ejecting it first), I get a message that says "F:\ is not accessible. Incorrect Function." or "G:\ is not accessible. Incorrect Function." Weird.


I tried rebooting but I still get the error. Both the burner and the reader still read any other CD-ROM, music CD, or previously burned disc. Just not these two (I tried

burning it again but got the exact same results - what appears to be a successful burn, but what ends up being an inoperable disc).


Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do at this point? From what I had read, I didn't expect the problems to start until I tried to tackle DirectCD - everyone else seems to be burning in Win2k with CDRWIN flawlessly.





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Well I can tell you right now it has nothing to do with Win2000. Its all CDRWin.. Just go back to 3.7f or lower. Everyone has been having problems with 3.8 it just burns frisbees. I have at least a dozen to show for. I have burned 4 ISO's today alone with Win2000 Prof. Final today alone with CDRWin 3.7f with no problems. So its easy just go back.

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Yah. I have had the same problems with 3.8 burning coasters damn good thing I always burn to CD-RWs 1st. If you want to burn Bin/Cue ISOs then get a program called fireburner. You can also use binchunker to convert the bin/cue ISO to regualr ISO format.

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Also to add to what THC 129 had to say you can also use Nero to burn ISO's.. If ya need info on it just email or ICQ me and I will send you a how-to file.

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Just an update here:


I tried going back to CDRWIN 3.7e = same results


I then tried uninstalling Easy CD Creator 4.0 and installing Easy CD Creator 3.5 instead (I had heard all the success stories based on 3.5, not 4.0) = same results


I noticed I was getting a lot of errors in the event log on startup regarding my hard drive controllers - seems they were both set as default to Ultra DMA, even though these are older drives and don't support that. I set them both to PIO mode and restarted. It got rid of the errors in the system event viewer on startup but didn't affect my burning problem at all = same results


What the hell is going on here?


Any further ideas?


Severly bummed,



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Format and start over. Install only cdrwin 3.8a and Nero ( http://www.ahead.de )(NO ez cd creator) then install adaptec 4.5.7 aspi drivers you can get from my site http://seldzar.dhs.org in the files section. Once installed update the aspi drivers with the adaptec 4.6 drivers and try burning.

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Well, that kinda sucks.


Seeing as how I have everything else working, it's taken alot of time to get everything installed and configured - and, seeing as this is my actual work computer and I kinda need to start using it again, I would rather not reinstall.


Tell me this - can I make another partition on my NTFS drive and install Win98 to it? Will Win2k be smart enough to figure out I now want a dual-boot system? Is that NTFS thingee for Win98 I've been seeing how 98 can recognize and utilize NTFS?


If all that is possible, then I can just install a minimum Win98 OS on the 2nd partition and just install burning software. I'll still need to access whatever files I want to burn on the NTFS Win2k partition though...


What do ya think?



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Oh, and as some kind of weird, ironic thing I got Adaptec DirectCD 2.5d working perfectly - reading and writing packets just fine, recognizes all of my unclosed DirectCD written discs...

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Strange you should mention that, I just spend 6 hours screwing with formatting c and installing windows millenium(getting back into win 2k took the 5.5 hours after millenium installed, I forgot the Repair disk.. hehe). To answer your questions no windows2000 is stupid and won't know what the hell you did to the MBR. Make a rescue disk and you can run the win2k setup from within 98 and upon reboot select repair installation and use your rescue disk and do a manual repair and select boot sector or something to that effect. It will repair the MBR and install the boot loader.

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