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gThumb 2.14.3 released

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gThumb 2.14.3 is now available for download at:











In this version some minor bugs and memory leaks were fixed and a

translation was updated, see below for more details.


What is gThumb



gThumb is an image viewer and browser utility for the GNOME environment.

The README file distributed with the tar archive contains a complete

list of features and the instructions to compile the source. The

complete description, screenshots and other info are available at



Overview of changes from gThumb 2.14.2 to 2.14.3



Bugs fixed:


* Do not show duplicate entries in the sidebar and bookmarks menu.


* Fixed filtering by embedded title and description.

* Fixed crash when opening the comment dialog.

* Fixed many memory leaks.

* Fixed file renaming in viewer mode. (#670392)

* Fixed some compiler warnings. (#668947)


New or updated application translations:


* Swedish (Daniel Nylander)





This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public

License (GNU GPL) version 2 or greater. You can find a copy of the

license in the file COPYING.



March 25th, 2012


Paolo Bacchilega



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