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Samsung 830 Capacity Range Roundup - Samsung Takes a Serious Turn on Performance

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Other fire breathing controllers would be quick out of the gate but

slow over time as fragmentation effects set in, while Samsung

controllers would take the hit on random IOPS, but they maintained

that lower level even after repeated and sustained abuse. They were

not the fastest, but as a testament to their consistency, I continue

to use one of the two aforementioned G.Skill drives in the PCPer

Storage Testbed to this day.


URL: http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Storage/Samsung-830-Capacity-Range-Roundup-Samsung-Takes-Serious-Turn-Performance


Quote: "We tested the 64, 128, and 256GB capacities of the Samsung SSD

830 Series, and all were an absolute breath of fresh air. Reads and

writes were great, and IOPS performance was nothing short of

outstanding. The Samsung engineering team is to be congratulated for a

product line that is likely to become the new standard for others to

aspire to reach."


Thanks for a post!


Ryan Shrout

PC Perspective

rshrout ( -at -) pcper.com




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