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Aol Versions 4 & 5

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I have yet to get Aol working with windows 2000. It is definitly to do with the Aol adapters. It won't install them. I have tried installing them manuanlly, still finding windows 2k throwing them out. Does anybody out there know what to do? Aol won't connect without these adapters.

Is there something i can tweak? You can find the aol adapter inf file in:

c:\windows(or winnt)\inf\netaol.inf


Hope someone can help Greg.





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although i have not tried this myself ive heard that ver 3 of the AOL software will let you use Win2k+AOl

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The 16bit version of AOL 3.0 works with Windows 2k. The only problem being other programs wouldn't use the connection. To be honest i don't really want to use that rubbish. Version 4 & 5 are bad enough.




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Well the thing is that AOL wasnt desgined to be used in NT because AOL isnt for power users or people that know how to use a computer. AOL is for people that dont know much about the internet and need the friendliness of a simple interface. You know what the say simple things for simple users

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As you live in America you wouldn't quite understand how much it cost us "Brits" to use the Internet. Let me tell you its god dam expensive. About $200 a month (for a limited time). That’s on average because we get charged by the minute.

AOL is currently the only service provider in the UK that offers free telephone numbers. So instead of $200 a month it only costs me $16 dollars a month (unlimited time).

So i think for a saving of over $184 a month and for unlimited use of the net i am quite justified in using AOL's "simplistic" interface.

Any way AOL was made by Americans for Americans so you lot could easily understand the Internet with out getting confused.





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Yah paying for internet time does suck. Plus you guys dont even get the added advantage of cable or xDSL. As many people have said the only versions that work are the 16 bit versions, and with how high and mighty AOL is they probably wont come out with a version for win2k because its not a "consumer" os. Looks like you are SOL. sad.gif

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We can get Cable modems and ASDL but still that is about $100 a month. As I am still a student I have a tight budget and I really don't want to be paying as much as that to surf the net.

However you are wrong in saying AOL will not release a version compatible for windows 2k. They are definitely going to release a version. It would be false logic in them not doing so. Especially as windows 2k is going to be the 'Main Microsoft' OS. They would limit their market if they didn't.

In fact close sources have actually told me that a compatible program will be release in a few days!






[This message has been edited by gregpreed (edited 14 January 2000).]

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Is someone going to give a more technical response I have had an email off someone saying that AOL is going to release a beta version compatible with Windows NT. He was going to get it early and give it to me. That has yet to materialise. So I am back to square one...


Is there anyone out there can help. I am a bit annoyed, as AOL is the only program at the moment preventing me upgrading to windows 2000.






[This message has been edited by gregpreed (edited 14 January 2000).]

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You can get the program off beta central on AOL. That is at least what Ive heard.

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Sorry i have checked there. The only software I could get from beta central was the new mac software.

Thanks anyway.




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I am a beta tester for em and there is a version of aol for win2k. I havent downloaded it yet because i dont really need it. but its there.

[This message has been edited by cknyc (edited 17 January 2000).]


[This message has been edited by cknyc (edited 17 January 2000).]

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Please could you do this it would benift alot of people in the UK that don't have access to the US beta software.

Even If you don't want to download it can you give me a link?

Mail me or im me on aol.

or IM using MSN. gregpreed@hotmail.com





[This message has been edited by gregpreed (edited 17 January 2000).]

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In Reply to the recent article posted on Nt Compatible..

"AOL 32-bit for Windows NT 4.0/2000

AOL is betatesting a new version of the AOL 5.0 software which support Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000. To participating, go to BETA on AOL"

Is any one able to download this and distribute? This beta is only available in the US! US user goto keyword: betacentral.





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