news 28 Posted April 27, 2012 A news post would be great. OCC has published a review on the Samsung Green DDR3L 1600 2x4GB Here is a quote from the review: Quote: "Another big pro for me, which should have been stated a 100 times over already, is the fact that it is low profile. A lot of CPU coolers on the market today are seemingly increasing in size. I know my Noctua NH-U12P cooler has to lift a fan to accommodate my Redline kit. Fortunately my cooler allows for this; however, if you have physical fins on the overhang there isn't much you can do about it -- other than buy some low profile RAM. If you have a beast of a cooler, or want to get that beast of a cooler, now you can. Just throw this low profile RAM in there and clearance won't be your problem anymore. For the great price, nice overclocking capabilities and advantages of being low profile and low voltage -- this might be something well worth your time." Title: Samsung Green DDR3L 1600 2x4GB Review Link: Img: Share this post Link to post