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ACPI after Nero

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Hi !


I installed Nero CD think thats the right version (dl yesterday). Now i have no hibernation support ... eg. Win2k say it has problems with the Adaptec Controller ? Why ??? Befor Nero it works fine


c ya Snoop



win2k build 2195


bios revision 1.11

2x 4 GB

128 ram

TNT2 Maxi Game Xentor 16

Adaptec 2940 SCSI2

SB Live Value

Realtek ethernet PCI

Teles ISDN 16.3


[This message has been edited by Snoop (edited 03 February 2000).]

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You have to remove a file called *CDNT.sys, (I think it is only CDNT.SYS, but have a look, it also might be NEROCDNT.SYS - you know, my Alzheimer desease :-)) for security scan it´s properties, in "version" you will find the develloping company. If it is Ahead, then rename or delete it.

That will solve your problems


Have fun



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