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NT5 aka Win2K - Problem Reports, oh boy O boy!

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Ok, I have win2k pro, and boy O boy is it nutty, one thing is I can't run alot of the apps that this site says has been tested, I believe the site, so I'm trying to figure what is it with my system. Its funny becuase if I should do a new install It'll run the apps I can't run on my other install. The error messages I get are the same, something to the effect of "instructions at memory 0x0743 referenced memory at 0x97095. memory cannot be read" and the other message is the same but say cannot be written. I also got some dr watson logs of a few crashes that I'm gonna post so maybe someone can take a look at all that giberish and maybe see something. -------------------------- Application exception occurred:

App: (pid=704)

When: 2/6/2000 @ 08:03:23.113

Exception number: c0000005 (access violation)


*----> System Information <----*

Computer Name: PGHQ

User Name: PG

Number of Processors: 1

Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 6 Stepping 0

Windows 2000 Version: 5.0

Current Build: 2195

Service Pack: None

Current Type: Uniprocessor Free

Registered Organization: PG inc

Registered Owner: PGi


*----> Task List <----*

0 Idle.exe

8 System.exe

132 smss.exe

160 csrss.exe

156 winlogon.exe

208 services.exe

220 lsass.exe

376 svchost.exe

404 spoolsv.exe

460 svchost.exe

516 regsvc.exe

536 MSTask.exe

760 Explorer.exe

828 reminder.exe

524 MIRC32.exe

612 IEXPLORE.exe

704 NTOScanner.exe

748 drwtsn32.exe

0 _Total.exe


(00400000 - 004A0000)

(77F80000 - 77FF9000)

(75030000 - 75044000)

(78000000 - 78046000)

(77E80000 - 77F36000)

(77DB0000 - 77E0A000)

(77D40000 - 77DAF000)

(75020000 - 75028000)

(77E10000 - 77E75000)

(77F40000 - 77F7C000)

(76B30000 - 76B6E000)

(77C70000 - 77CBA000)

(77B50000 - 77BDA000)

(775A0000 - 777E0000)

(77800000 - 7781D000)


State Dump for Thread Id 0x2e8


eax=00000000 ebx=00822930 ecx=00822200 edx=00482d88 esi=00000000 edi=008133e8

eip=0041e502 esp=0012fc40 ebp=0012fc50 iopl=0 nv up ei pl nz ac po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00000216



function: <nosymbols>

0041e4e8 51 push ecx

0041e4e9 8b4508 mov eax,[ebp+0x8] ss:00b9d226=????????

0041e4ec 53 push ebx

0041e4ed 56 push esi

0041e4ee 57 push edi

0041e4ef 8bb0d4000000 mov esi,[eax+0xd4] ds:000000d4=????????

0041e4f5 8bf9 mov edi,ecx

0041e4f7 897dfc mov [ebp+0xfc],edi ss:00b9d226=????????

0041e4fa 8b07 mov eax,[edi] ds:008133e8=0046ae3c

0041e4fc ff90a4010000 call dword ptr [eax+0x1a4] ds:000001a4=????????

FAULT ->0041e502 8b4604 mov eax,[esi+0x4] ds:00a6d5d6=????????

0041e505 33db xor ebx,ebx

0041e507 3958f8 cmp [eax+0xf8],ebx ds:00a6d5d6=????????

0041e50a 7408 jz 00423514

0041e50c 50 push eax

0041e50d 8bcf mov ecx,edi

0041e50f e856480200 call 00442d6a

0041e514 837e1000 cmp dword ptr [esi+0x10],0x0 ds:00a6d5d6=????????

0041e518 7e56 jle 00427270

0041e51a 8d878c010000 lea eax,[edi+0x18c] ds:00813574=0046b004

0041e520 894508 mov [ebp+0x8],eax ss:00b9d226=????????

0041e523 eb03 jmp 00427028


*----> Stack Back Trace <----*


FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name

0012FC50 00423538 00822930 00813158 00822930 0012FCA4 !<nosymbols>

0012FC74 00429207 00822930 00813158 00813158 00813158 !<nosymbols>

0012FC94 0041CF8D 00000000 00813158 0046BD34 004686A4 !<nosymbols>

0012FD00 00403823 0047B368 004809D8 0000002C 00000000 !<nosymbols>

0012FFC0 77E87903 00000008 00000002 7FFDF000 C0000005 !<nosymbols>

0012FFF0 00000000 0040DBB0 00000000 000000C8 00000100 kernel32!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter


*----> Raw Stack Dump <----*

0012fc40 e8 33 81 00 00 00 00 00 - 30 29 82 00 e8 33 81 00 .3......0)...3..

0012fc50 74 fc 12 00 38 35 42 00 - 30 29 82 00 58 31 81 00 t...85B.0)..X1..

0012fc60 30 29 82 00 a4 fc 12 00 - 58 31 81 00 15 00 00 00 0)......X1......

0012fc70 e8 33 81 00 94 fc 12 00 - 07 92 42 00 30 29 82 00 .3........B.0)..

0012fc80 58 31 81 00 58 31 81 00 - 58 31 81 00 ff ff ff ff X1..X1..X1......

0012fc90 01 00 00 00 00 fd 12 00 - 8d cf 41 00 00 00 00 00 ..........A.....

0012fca0 58 31 81 00 34 bd 46 00 - a4 86 46 00 50 2b 82 00 X1..4.F...F.P+..

0012fcb0 03 00 00 00 05 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................

0012fcc0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 20 03 00 00 58 02 00 00 ........ ...X...

0012fcd0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 03 00 00 38 02 00 00 ............8...

0012fce0 20 03 00 00 58 02 00 00 - 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ...X...........

0012fcf0 8c 32 81 00 0c ff 12 00 - 1c 06 46 00 00 00 00 00 .2........F.....

0012fd00 c0 ff 12 00 23 38 40 00 - 68 b3 47 00 d8 09 48 00 ....#8@.h.G...H.

0012fd10 2c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 01 00 00 00 00 83 ff ff ,...............

0012fd20 00 83 ff ff ff ff ff ff - ff ff ff ff b2 01 00 00 ................

0012fd30 16 00 00 00 09 03 00 00 - 29 02 00 00 ea 40 40 00 ........)....@@.

0012fd40 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 - ff ff ff ff d8 09 48 00 ..............H.

0012fd50 00 f0 fd 7f 58 31 81 00 - f8 fe 12 00 16 98 fc 77 ....X1.........w

0012fd60 78 01 13 00 78 01 13 00 - 78 01 13 00 78 01 13 00 x...x...x...x...

0012fd70 78 01 13 00 78 01 13 00 - 84 00 84 00 02 00 02 02 x...x...........

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Hey man......I know exactly what that means..........NOT!!


why did you even send all of that?!?

who the hell can read a stack dump?

Be more specific and you'll get more specific answers.

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PGi what Application is it ?,

all so your system spec to

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Very true guys, Sorry man I have not a clue about that kinda stuff and figured maybe it does mean something, somethings someone would understand. Here goes the goods:


OS1- Wink2k Pro Final

OS2- FreeBSD 3.4

OS3- Windows 98 SE


Board- Soyo B6A III

CPU- intel Slot1 Celeron 433 running @ 483MHz

Mem- PC100 CAS2 128 + 64

HardDrive1- Western Digital ATA66 13GIG

HardDrive2- Maxtor EIDE 6GIG


As for the application that always crashes its

Quicken99 Deluxe install.

Photoshop 5.5 install.

NTO Scanner porgram

Quake3 Arena retail


, thats it pretty much, they all crash with the same error, and always at the same point, Now i've seen at this site where it says that all the above have been proven to run fine on NT5.

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Well, that really clarified things ;-/







92% of the things we worry about don't happen - but the other 8% DO!

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Quicken99 Deluxe install.

Well know for crashing Windows200

your better off get Quicken2000


Photoshop 5.5 install.

Well know for crashing Windows200


NTO Scanner porgram

Hmm need to look this one up


Quake3 Arena retail

Depin on the video card drivers some do good well other don't.

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Well first off I would say perhaps it's your overclocking and that win2k doesn't like the 75mhz bus(is that what your using?)or whatnot. Also could be a ram issue. Try downclocking your cpu to default, try another stick of ram if possible....swap out your video card. Remove all devices and cards but the absolutely necessary ones and start slowly trying the programs then replace each card/device one at a time.

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