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k6 write allocation

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Any good k6-2 tweakers out there for win2k. I dont think my chip has write allocate by default and it doesnt state in the bios.


award bios 4.51pg

tekram via mvp3 board



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1. Go here. www.powertweak.com

2. Come back here.

3. Write message back thanking me.

4. Stay that I am the best and powertweak is

even better!

5. Tell more poeple about powertweak.

6. ummm....tell more poeple about powertweak?????!!!!






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Thx for the fast reply.

As big a fan as I am of powertweak I cant use it with my new system. I dont know if its win2k or the new ver of powertweak or what but it causes my system to run like crap. And thats after I even get it working. The default optimization causes my machine to crash and reboot. So after a big of tweaking I get it working but my machine suffers. Doh I should have mentioned that in my original post sorry.. I myself recommend powertweak to people. hehe. Any others...

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Thats a really cool program. Does everything you could possibly imagine except... k6 write allocation smile

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Burp... so .............. ffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiinnnnnnngggggggg what. hehe Theres probobly a complex regular expression to block that hehe.

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ALright here we go perl style




blocks all concurrences of the naughty word even if the user types more than one letter of each.

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Getting frustrated with the slowness of your K62? Muahahah. I know the feeling. I have a K63-400. I've upped the FSB to 124mhz but I had to disable the L3 cache to get an FSB that high. It's been running good for the last couple of months. Gonna get an Athlon or PIII soon. About the K6 Write Allocate....hmmmm...shouldn't your bios already include that option?

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It doesnt... Im not sure if its enabled by default or not thats the think. I have always had poor benchmarks with this chip.. benchmark program tells me gee your computer sucks for what you have most people that have similar setup out perform you. Anyways Im just trying to find a way to break it so I can get a new computer smile. No seriously.. I cant live with the fact that I dont even know if its enabled or not. If i find out like next year that its not this whole time I will be very frown

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