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Deluxe CD Player in Win2000

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What's up guys,

Got a quick question bout something that's sorta buggin me in Win2k's CD player. Those of you who had MS Plus! 98 will know that it's the same cd player in Win2000 (Build 2195). Anyways, i'm on a university ethernet connection out to the internet. I can't download track names automatically like i could in MS Plus! 98. Any idea why?

When i click on the download track names, it get an error message immediately, saying "Unable to connect to album information providers. Check your internet connection settings and try again." I looked in the options for the cd player too, but nothing can be changed that fixes it. Pls. help! Even though i'm so used to having mp3's on my computer, it's nice to listen to some Audio CD's now and then too, just only if i could also download the track names =)



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Do you have all the proxy settings correct? It has to be a problem with the way your network/internet connection is configured. W9x took a few things for granted that you have to specify in W2k. I know it can do it, because it is on my system...



*gniltrohc yawa srednaw*

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Well, I'm not going to be much help, But I have the same thing happening to me when useing useing it and a 56k modem. Tiz odd, other cd players that get cd info work, granted non of them use those to services.

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This isnt help really but you ever think about getting a better CD player one that actually downloads the track names right. Half the CDs I put in that thing never downloaded right because its not CDDB compatible. So get a CDDB compatible CD player that is smaller too

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