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Cubitek ATX-ICE Case Review @ OCC

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OCC has published a review on the Cubitek ATX-ICE Case


Here is a quote from the review:


"It is hard for me to say this, as I love my mother-in-law (to be), but this case is the "mother-in-law" of cases. There isn't a darn good thing about it. The most fun I had with it was putting the little wheels on the HDDs and racing them down the hallway. I haven't HATED a case as much as I hate this one. It was ugly to look at and frustrating to work with. There really isn't a perfect case out there, but this Cubitek offering was just one problem after another."


Title: Cubitek ATX-ICE Case Review

Link: http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/cubitek_atx_ice/

Img: http://www.overclockersclub.com/siteimages/articles/cubitek_atx_ice/12_thumb.jpg



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