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no reboots? HA!

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I spent the weekend installing W2K on my computer (new, clean install). So far the "far fewer reboot" rule hasn't been very well supported.


1. Installed MS Office 97 - no reboot;

2. Installed Office SP1 - reboot;

3. Installed Office SP2 - reboot;

4. Installed MS Intellimouse 3.1 - reboot;

5. Installed my wife's solitair game - reboot;

6. Installed Quattro Pro 8 - no reboot;

7. Installed some Windows upgrade from the web site - reboot.


So far I'm 2 out of 7 for not having to reboot after installing. Granted I'm not really complaining since W2K is solid as a rock so far, but I find it humerous that the reboot aspect was pushed so hard by MS.

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MS pushed the "much fewer reboots" so hard, ok, but they meant something different by it:


They said they got the number of situations in which you have to reboot from about 50 (in NT4) down to 7 in Win2000. That includes driver updates, and similar situations.


Additionally, many (especially old) setup programs request a reboot although it's not really neccessary! I bet a million dollars that "your wife's solitaire game" uses such one old setup tool.


The Office SPs replace some files that are used by the OS, so these files can't be replaced without restarting. Same goes for the MS Intellimouse (current mouse driver is in use) and most of the Windows updates.


Don't know about Quattro Pro 8, though...


I hope you see why it's not always possible to prevent a reboot when installing new software (especially OS components/fixes).



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You also have to remember that non-win2k certified apps don't have the fewer reboot policy..All W2K certified apps don't require a reboot

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yeah but try the netwrking options and see how much less you reboot and after a machine is running good (wich i have not had for sometime but i think i am there now.)and you make adjustments your going to see the difference i know i do.

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hrrm and all this time i thought they meant less crashes=less reboots B-)



Think and search the forums before you post...All will appreciate it!

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