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AOL 5.0 now supports dialup and browsing under win2k

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heres the deal folks, if you use AOL (and you know who you are! AOL just posted a new beta of the AOL 5 software that supports both dialup under nt/2k and the web browser (which hadnt been working since 5.0 came out for most people 98 or 2k) is now working! 11 meg download


1. goto keyword beta on AOL

2. signup and wait a bit for them to welcome you to the beta program!

3. download the file for AOL 5.0 NT no browser (it is set to use system browser rather than the internal IE 4)

filename is D16000NTG.EXE

4. enjoy having parent/sibling/spouse etc off your back!


This has been a public service announcement from the S.O.H.A.AOLP.S.




Think and search the forums before you post...All will appreciate it!

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