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How to connect to a W2k machine using a Win98 machine

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How can I connect to a computer running Windows 2000 with a machine running Windows 98? My Win98 system keeps telling me it needs a password to connect to " Ressource: \\I300\IPC$". I tried my admin password but it still keeps asking. If anyone got an idea on what´s up and / or how to fix that please post here. Thanx in advance. confused

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Well how did you fix it? I havn't been able to figure that one out.

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Just enable the guest account and use that password...


You can also create a user account on win2k for the win98 machine, just make sure the user name is the same as the win98 login name

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Here is the steps to set up a account:


1. Log onto the internet.

2. Go to amazon.com

3. Search for a Windows 2000 book

4. BUY IT!

5. Wait 5 days.

6. Get book in the mail.




Seriously though.


1. Go to settings\control panel.

2. Double click on "Administrative tools"

3. Double click on "Computer management"

4. Double click on "Local users and groups"

5. Open the "Users" folder (This will bring up all the users for your computer)

6. Click on the action menu and you will be able to set up a new user.

7. MAke sure you use the same username and password that the person uses to log onto Win98.


Pretty simple stuff huh?

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If you make a user account and you don't want it to be able to use that computer locally (i.e. use network shares but nothing else) then do this:


Go to administrative tools

Go to local security settings

Go to local policies -> user rights assignment

Enter the user into 'Deny logon locally'

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Beavis, you're such a Butthead.....hehe.

Believe it or not, I really appreciate the fact that you took a minute to answer my question. I migrated over from Win 98 and, as you know, there ARE differences in settings and configuration. I've learned a ton since I started frequenting this board, and I hope I can be of some help to someone in the future. Everybody learns at a different pace and not everybody thinks on the same level, so I hope those on here who like to be demeaning and sarcastic to what they think of as a "stupid question" will take a moment of pause before lashing out at those who are just trying to learn. I was taught that the only stupid question is the one you don't ask. It's just a thought. Again, thanks Beavis, for taking the time to help me.

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Welcome to nt. I was having problems with this and finally I figured it out and makes perfect sense. You need to logon to your win98 machine with an account from your win2kbox. For instance every win2kbox should have an Administrator account. So you would logon to your win98 box using Administrator/passwordforadmin. Then you would have full access of the win2k box as an administrator! Cool hehe. And of course you could make other accounts and use them as well.

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