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WinOnCD 3.6 on Win2000: a fix and a patch...

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Hi there!



In the last weeks some people seemed not to get WinOnCD 3.6 working under Win2000.



I have had already posted a possible solution: a registry fix that disables the ASPI driver that comes with WinOnCD 3.6. WinOnCD will then use the standard ASPI driver that is installed in Windows (most "CD writing" people will have Adaptec's ASPI driver installed).


Here's the registry fix (which does nothing else than disabling the C2ASPI service -- you can to that manually by opening Device Manager, selecting "Show hidden devices" from the "View" menu, and then disabling the "C2ASPI" device under "Non-Plug and Play Drivers"):


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\C2ASPI]"Start"=dword:00000004


Save it with notepad as "Make WinOnCD 3.6 run on Windows 2000.reg" and then double-click it.



Today I visited CeQuadrat's website and found a new patch/driver/update (whatever you want to call it). Its description says it enables WinOnCD 3.6 to run on Win2000.


Here's the URL of the page: http://www.cequadrat.de/english/support/tools_e.html


But as I'm using WinOnCd 3.7 (which runs fine on W2k straight from the box), I didn't test the patch.



In general, I suggest first trying the registry patch (i.e. disabling the CeQuadrat ASPI driver to allow WOCD3.6 to use the Adaptec ASPI). Only if that doesn't help then you might try the patch -- but I don't know what it does: update the C2ASPI driver to a newer version which works with Win2000, or disabling it and thus essentially doing the same as the registry patch!??



Good luck! Oh, and please report which one of the solutions has helped you, if any!




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Nova you DA MAN! I installed the patch from Cequadrants site (the reg hack did not work) and now my HP7200i is cruzing along happily in Winoncd36ville. smile pr-man

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