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Music Match 5

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Has anyone tried running the new version of Music Match Jukebox (ver 5)? It installed fine under Win2k (build 2128) but gave an error like "The ordinal 20 could not be loaded from the drmclien.dll" when trying to run the program. I'd like to get the program running because the basic version offers mp3 encoding up to 320 kbps.

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Version 5.00.0142 is running on my Win2K build 2195 right now. No problems whatsoever.


I upgraded Win98SE with MusicMatch 4.x with Win2K and had the same(?) error crop up after the upgrade. That's when I nuked the old version of MM and installed 5.0.


I wanna say there's an upgraded version of 5.0 on the MusicMatch site that specifically addresses Win2K problems, but I might be confusing it with any number of other sites I've visited to upgrade my various programs. Might be worth checking out, anyway.


If there's nothing on the site, I suggest uninstalling your copy of MM, downloading the most-recent version, and reinstalling. Not much help and doesn't actually address the problem/error message, I know -- but it might just get the program running.

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I got that errror message also. I reinstalled WIN2K and everything runs perfect now.

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for anyone else who is experiencing this problem, the fix is to rename or delete the drmclien.dll in the winnt\system dir prior to installing mmjb5

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