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Defrag stopped working!!!

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Everything was working just fine, until I tried installing the new version of Executive Software's Diskkeeper. During the install it said that it couldn't start some service and that the install will be aborted. So I aborted and now whenever I try entering the Windows defrag program I get the following error:


Snap-in failed to initialize.

Name: Disk Defragmenter

CLSID: {43668E21-2636-11D1-A1CE-0080C88593A5}



Anyone else had this problem and know how to fix it? Or know of any other defrag programs for 2000? I really need a defrag! smile

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Yes, I do have this problem before. The Executive Diskeeper didn't uninstall properly. I couldn't get back my original defragmenter. Well, I installed O&O Defrag and it starts to defrag again.


The website is http://www.oo-defrag.com/

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Hmmm, Diskeeper 5 is out in two versions - you need to make sure you get the W2k version. The file I have 'upgrades' the Diskeeper Lite that comes with the retail W2k to the full version of Diskeeper 5.

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