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DVD ripping with Windows 2000

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Hi all.

I´m running my Aopen 10x/40x (tray) DVD with Windows 2000 Pro. recently, I applied a region-free patch to move my drive from Region2-only to, well region-free.

Everything worked smooth, DVD-playback is the same as before.

Ok, now, here comes my problem:

I´ve been trying to rip my DVDs to my HD using DeCSS, but it fails with this error code:

"Error getting disk key

Title might not be encrypted!

File transfer completed"


Now, DeCSS ships with a special Aspi Layer for Windows 2000, so it´s supposed to work, right? I´ve tried several versions of WnASpi, no chance...

Could my problem be related to the region-free crack? (I didn´t try DeCSS before the crack, unfortunately)

Any input appreciated. Thanks.

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No offense Benjamin, but you should be asking this question in a warez forum. I would be very careful about advertising to the world that you have DECSS. The movie industry takes a very dim view of people who have that prog.


Go to http://www.dvdutils.com and read the letter that was sent to that website by a law firm that represents the movie industry.


DECSS is dos based and should be run in the command prompt. It will not work on all DVD disks, and will only translate into region free .vob files. Just use region free firmware on your drive, and DVD genie to make your software region free and forget about ripping the disks. Even if you have a DVD Ram drive, its pointless to "rip" a disk, because the media costs more than the retail movie's.

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thank you for your reply. I´m aware that DeCSS is a piracy-tool. BUT: as long as I´m just playing around with...

I read the Betanews-article about DivX last week and I was just curious how the quality of these movies were... so, I´m just playing around with it for educational purposes.

FYI, I don´t like piracy at all.


Anyway, let´s forget about it and carry on.


Best regards.

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Try unchecking DMA for your dvdrom.


The GUI for decss works under w2k, you have to use the command prompt for the DOD version.


Have a look at http://dvd2k_3k.tripod.com/ for more general info on this subject.

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