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Please help with Dual Boot SYS

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I have Win2k final currently instaled. I wanted to runa dual boot with win98 but it will not let me run setup. I get an error message that says I have a general protection fault error. Is it possible to instal Win98 when 2000 is already on my sys?


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You'll first need to make a FAT32 partition, then boot off a DOS bootdisk, and install it from there.

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Thanks for the segestion. I have a Fat32 partition do I boot off of the win98 or 2000 disk Thanks!!

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Someone once told me that Windows 98 SE can boot from the CD.


So, if you have Win98 SE, set you System Bios to boot from your CD-ROM and try this.

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Here's what I did:


I had Win2k installed on my c: drive, and I wanted to install win98 on my d: drive. The win98 install program doesn't run in Win2k, you get that general protection fault.


I booted my computer with a win98 bootdisk, and ran the win98 setup from the d: drive (i copied the installation files to the HD to make installation quicker. Initially I had trouble with the win98 scandisk that runs before installation can begin. I disabled scandisk with setup /is /iq, and then everything ran smoothly. Win98 was automatically added to the startup menu (by win2k I assume). And now I have a dual boot system, with win98 on the d: drive, like I wanted.


Hope this helps.



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Andy, didn't you get the error message saying you had to create a FAT boot sector?

I keep getting that message when I try to do it..

am I doing something wrong?


I'm trying to install 98SE to D(FAT32), with 2k on C(NTFS). I keep getting that error about NTFS. you want to know exactly which one, search for NTFS in the setup.txt file in the win98 folder of your setup disk cor 98.

I'm gonna try formatting the D as fat, not fat32, and see if that helps.


Unfortunatly, I have a 95 boot disk. Can I create a 98se boot disk from the 98se cd?



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