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CRC errors with Zip archives

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I know this isn't stricly a Win2K problem, but since I'm running Win2k...


Anyhow, I downloaded a zip file that spans multiple volumes. When I try to extract the files from the Zip, I get the following message:


"Please insert disk number 1 of the spanned Zip file into drive C:.".


When I click "OK", I get another message:


"The diskette in drive C: is labeled "Win2K", WinZip expected "PKBACK#001". Do you want to use it anyway"?


Now, when I click "yes", I get yet another error message:


"Error in file #1: Bad Zip file offset (Error local header signature not found): disk #1 offset:4."


Anybody have an idea what this means? Could the files have been damaged during download? I have tried downloading some of the files again, but I always get the same error. Is there a way to fix Zip files? I tried PKZipFix for dos, and that tried fixing the files but nothing really changed.


Thanks for any help,



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Are these files all under 1.44 meg? If so , I beleive that you need to copy each of them to individual floppies with the volume names of the floppy something like pkback#001, pkback#002 etc. What it seems to be is a single file zipped so as to span multiple floppy disks, you d/loaded each file and now you need to put them back onto floppies.



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Nope, the files are about 50mb each. I guess they were made using a zip drive or something. I guess the files are damaged somehow. I know that Winzip may require me to copy the back to disks, but WinAce should be able to uncompress multiple volumes.



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