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crashing with memory dumps???

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I'm getting blue screen crashes every so often in win2k pro... seems that it does this when the system is under alot of stress.

It says that it's doing a physical memory dump on the blue screen...

Anyone else having this problem?

Anyone know possible remedies?


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If you look at the blue screen dump, sometimes you can pick out what is causing the dump. That's what it's for. Most of the time for me it has been a bad driver. I have not gotten one in W2k (been runningit sence December) but I would get one from time to time in NT4.

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I can't exactly specify when it happens...

Usually happens when I'm running quite a few programs... like ftp and irc clients. And I may go to copy a file or watch a movie clip and the added stress causes the physical memory dump/crash...


Any ideas?

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What are you supposed to do with the "dump" file? Is there a way to look at its contents and get any good info or does it just take up a huge amount of hd space?

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Here's an example of what it says on the screen after one of the crashes... hope this can help give an idea at to my problem.


message goes as follows:


*** STOP: 0x0000001E (0xC0000005, 0x080467446, 0x00000000, 0x02017FFC)



*** Address 80467446 base at 80400000, DateStamp 384d9b17 - ntoskrnl.exe


Beginning dump of physical memory

Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system admin or tech support group.



well, that's the message I get when it crashes... anyone know what causes this? or more importantly, how to solve this???



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