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Win2k locking up on standby/hibernate

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This problem just started. When I go to standby mode, I hear my drives power down and click off, yet the monitor stays on and freezes, forcing me to cold boot the system. It does the same with hibernate.


Now, I have the Liveware3.0 for win2k drivers installed, however this problem just started after the drivers were installed for a while. It wasnt like I installed the drivers and everything stopped.


I also went from the 3.5beta of AIM to the standard release, as I heard the beta doesnt play nice with Win2k.



I am going to begin uninstalling all my software, testing standby after each uninstall, starting with the liveware drivers first.


Has anyone else had this problem? My mb is an ASUS P2B-LS, and is fully ACPI compliant. This shouldnt be happening, and it wasnt up until recently.


Help frown

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Oh also, does anyone know how to log everything that happens from a certain point on in Win2k? I want to start logging then go into standby, and see whats the last thing it does before it hangs. Maybe that will help.


I cant figure out how this kind of logging is done in Win2k.

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