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Corsair Neutron 240GB SSD Review - Link_A_Media Controller @ Legit Reviews

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Corsair Neutron 240GB SSD Review - Link_A_Media Controller


If, like us, you're ready for something fresh in the SSD market you're in for a treat. Corsair has launched their Neutron series of SSDs with a brand new controller from Link_A_Media Devices and the results of our benchmarks show it to be a serious competitor. Should the other drive makers be looking over their shoulder? Have a look to see what we have to say about it.




"Corsair touts the Neutron 240GB drive as reaching max performance numbers of 555 MB/s reads and 370 MB/s writes which we found to be spot on for the ATTO benchmark and not far off on the other tests. Given that performance is not impacted by data compressibility, that's to be expected as well as solid performance numbers in the real world tests. We didn't spot anything amiss in any of the numbers and general usage of the drive in Windows yielded positive results with no hint of stuttering, lagging or BSOD's. TRIM and idle garbage collection seem to be working fine as well so no worries there. Overall, our first impressions are very positive..."




Article Title: Corsair Neutron 240GB SSD Review - Link_A_Media Controller ( -at -) Legit Reviews

Article URL: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/2025/1/




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