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Spastic Computer Guru

Installing 98 SE w/ 2000

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I was wondering I am running windows 2000 Pro. I have a few apps that will not run on it, due to being older apps. I want to dual boot win 98, is this possible w/ out having to reinstall 2K again. If so what is the best way to go about doing that?


Any help would be greatly appreciated


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use the win98 boot disk and boot to dos, install win98 like you would if you just formatted, win2k will see that theres another OS and add win98 accordingly

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The problem is 2K is installed on my primary boot drive c:\, this drive is NTFS, windows says it can not find a drive it can write to on the primary boot drive, and quits. How can I install windows on my D: drive.

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Hmm, never tried that, you could switch your hard drives, make the d: the c: . then you would have to manually edit the boot.ini which isn't a problem.


[This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 09 April 2000).]

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Yeah, the Win9x installation has to be able to write on the primary partition. I don't think you'll be able to just switch the drives around though (assuming they're separate physical drives). If you did that, you would basically have to reinstall everything to get the paths right, and you said already that you don't want to reinstall. If your two drives are really just two partitions, then you will definitely have to reinstall to get Win9x.


I think your only sane option here is to reinstall, doing the Win9x and then Win2k

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I think you are right, I have tried everything I can think of. I would like 2K to be installed on a NTFS drive, can 2K be on the secondary drive and still boot, or will I have to settle w/ a fat32 partition?

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Actually it is just a partioned drive, so swapping is out of the question, but I am planning on buying another drive. Now when I install that new drive, could I put 98 on that drive, w/ out causing any issues, and avoiding a complete format and reinstall. And if so what is the best way?

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If I do decide to format and reinstall, in your opinion's should I just leave the drive as is, 8.3 Gig, or should it be partioned.

Same scenario, I will be dual booting 2K and 98SE

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Actually, here's something i just found that may save you from reinstalling:





With this program, you could set it up so that when you boot to 2k, it shows your primary partition normally, and when you boot to 98, it shows the other partition as the primary partition.


Just something to check out anyway... the author only wants $20 for it. I have a friend that uses it and he says it works great!

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An intrepid web surfer might be able to even find a little something at www.astalavista.box.sk to permit the use of the demo of Bootstar (the current version even) to work on a more, ahem... permanent basis :-)







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From the looking that I did at the program when I went searching for the crack, it appears so. How about taking a gander yourself?







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well, if you do reformat, don't partition the drive at all, just havw win2k and win98se both on the same fat32 drive, that way you can install the same program under both OS's, to do that you have to install it under both and to the same location under both.

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I downloaded and installed teh program, however it still will not allow me to trick 98 into thinking my D drive is the primary boot drive, I tried booting the system w/ D onky, using the 98 bootdisk, and even dumping the bootdisk files onto D then booting that way. 98 still insist on installing on the C drive........Any other thoughts?

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unhook your c: and hook the d: up as Master, boot the cdrom with cdrom support, start the setup, the d: will now be the c:

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oh, i was under the impression that you had two hdd's, well you COULD try that, i never have though so i have no input

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if u are running a abit board with dma 66 u can use 2 drives one with 98 one with 2k

and when the dma 66 bios comes up on boot up u hit ctrl-h and pick which to boot to

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Originally posted by Spastic Computer Guru:
T problem there is C:/ and D:/ are 2 partitions, I was actually thinnking of setting D:/ as the primary until 98 is on then setting C back to primary....

To install 98 you'll have to do that (set d: as the primary), but if you switch is back later then 98 will not boot. The only way 98 can boot is if it has some basic files on the primary partition.

What you will have to do is set bootstar to make d: the primary when you want to run 98, and make c: the primary when you want to run 2k.

If you ever get around to reinstalling, you can make your life easier and put 98 on c: and 2k on d: smile

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If I instal Win98 on a seperete Physical drive how can I choose which HD to boot from. Do I need to edit my boot.ini. I tried using Bootstar but I can't even boot normaly with it. I had to boot off the CD and uninstal it. Any help would be great!

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Originally posted by Spastic Computer Guru:
That is what I am going to do, just reinstall everything...... Make my life a little less miserable........:P

To tell you the truth man, a format and clen install is the best thing to do, i do it all the time. Just Backup first

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