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REVIEW: AMD Trinity A-10 5800K APU @ PureOverclock

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Hello, PureOverclock has published our latest review, it is of the AMD

Trinity A10-5800K APU.






Review Title: AMD Trinity A-10 5800K APU ( -at -) PureOverclock


Review URL:



Preview Image:







"Today brings AMD's next evolution of Fusion technology codenamed Trinity.

Trinity is AMD's first mobile APU mixed with their reworked Bulldozer cores

named Piledriver. It features up to four cores plus a better graphics

package than Llano. It is coupled with a Radeon 7650/7660D on-die GPU with

up to 384 CoreNext stream processors. We are excited to have AMD's A10-5800K

desktop APU in the lab to share with you guys. We are anxious to see what

this new tech is capable of, so let's get it unboxed and check out the

performance of AMD's new Piledriver cores combined with AMD's Fusion









Thank you for the consideration in publishing a link to our review.








Jake Mete










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